Seriously, I'm going to Selva Negra next week, flying out of Atlanta to also bring back some green coffee from Steve and Ricardo. I will be picking up more Selva Negra, a bag of Finca las Brisas (a neighboring farm to Selva Negra. we ...
Coffee bRoasting/b, bGreen/b and Fresh bRoasted/b Coffee Beans, Coffee Equipment. ... The major producers of Jamaican Blue Mountain are Wallenford, Mavis Bank, Old Tavern bEstate/b, and Moy Hall. We cup and choose from these elite sources only for Blue Mountains we carry. Jamaican Blue Mountain fits the Island coffee profile (Hawaiian, St. Helena, Puerto Rico) of balanced, rich, delicate, and mild. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee comes in wooden barrels rather than in the familiar ...
INeedCoffee just published my interview with Chris Arnold about the bGreen/b Coffee Buying Club. While researching the economics of home coffee broasting/b, I wanted to learn more about a bgreen/b coffee buying cooperative. bGreen/b bean coffee cooperatives ... All the coffees reviewed were made using a French Press with a 3 ? minute steep. Panama Carmen bEstate/b (3/5) This is the one coffee I have had previous experience with. Last year the farmers from the Carmen bEstate/b came up [. ..] ...